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A member registered Aug 02, 2017

Recent community posts

Is Harvey on Dozer's path going to get a sprite?

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I feel like it would be better if he was versatile like Chester, but if they had the same thing as Spencer's route where the choices you make determine whether you top or bottom, because then you could choose if you want to top or bottom, just food for thought!!

Is Chester versatile?

I really enjoyed this update a lot. After Darius's accident, he's really started to grow on me and I can't wait for more of him. Also, I was very happy with Chester's path and how he's starting to become more confident sexually and more aggressive when he began grinding, it was a nice surprise. Great job with the plot on all characters so far, they are all very well developed and I enjoyed playing each path. Keep up the good work!!

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Hey Dyne what day do you plan on stopping for coach's path?

And once the game is fully complete, like everything is done will the full thing be available for free download?

oh well I tried ;3

Is this available for mac?

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You should do an option where like you hear noises or something in Richard's room and you can walk in on him and Maria

yeah that would be the best!!!